Would you put your body on the line to stop some of
Europe’s oldest trees from being cut down? That’s what hundreds of
activists are doing to protect the Białowieża Forest in Poland.
This forest is unique. It’s one of the last remaining parts
of the immense ancient forest that once stretched across all of lowland
Europe. It sits on the eastern border of Poland and stretches into
It’s one of only 4 European forests on the UNESCO World Heritage List. But only 35% is protected from logging.
Last year, the Polish environment minister (and former
forester), Jan Szyszko, allowed a threefold increase in logging in the
Bialowieza Forest. Even worse, in 2017 he amended the country's law to
effectively remove any any kind of control over cutting trees on private
lands as well as forests governed by National Forest Holding. This
resulted in massive logging all over the country. State-managed forests
are no longer obligated to follow EU regulation on the legal protection
of species.
Scientists estimate that Białowieża is home to between
11,000 and 25,000 species. It’s hard to get exact numbers; many remain
undiscovered. It’s one of the last places you can find European bison,
lynx and rare birds in their natural habitat.
Increased logging not only violates European regulations,
it violates our right to the common heritage of this ancient and
precious forest. It is illegal in terms of EU law and ignores Poland’s
commitments to UNESCO.
Sometimes, you just have to chain yourself to some forestry
machines to protect what’s important. Greenpeace Poland and Wild Poland
activists have peacefully blockaded the logging areas five times in the last five weeks.
They successfully stopped the machines from cutting down some of the
most precious tree stands that have been growing for over 100 years.
Last weekend, over 5,000 people marched through Warsaw in
the biggest environmental demonstration Poland has ever seen. More and
more people keep showing up to defend the forest, from across the
region. Two weeks ago, over 800 people broke into the logging area to
march through the forest as a sign of civil disobedience.
We will not let this ancient and fragile ecosystem be cut
down for profit. We won’t stop resisting until the entire forest is
recognised as a National Park, like it is in neighbouring Belarus.
Show the Polish government that the world is watching. Add your support here: ilovebialowieza.com
Marianna Hoszowska is the Head of Communications for Greenpeace Poland
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