In April 2014, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, a tiny island country part of Micronesia, filed groundbreaking lawsuits to
the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the world’s nine
nuclear-armed countries. Now, almost two years later, the ICJ has heard
preliminary oral arguments in three of the cases.
The Rainbow Warrior passing the island of Rongelap, Marshall Islands (1985).
Between 1946 and 1958, 67 nuclear tests were conducted by the US in
the Marshalls, making it one of the most contaminated places in the
world. With a population of less than 70,000, the Islanders suffered
greatly from the impact of radiation, the land and sea poisoned as well.
In 1985, the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior helped
to relocate the residents of one of the most severely impacted islands,
Rongelap after it became clear that high levels of radioactive
contamination made most of the island unfit for habitation.Evacuation of Rongelap Islanders to Mejato by the Rainbow Warrior crew (1985).
Between the 7-16 March 2016, the ICJ’s panel of 16 judges heard oral arguments by the Marshall Islands and three respondent nations - the United Kingdom, India and Pakistan. Tony de Brum, Co-Agent of the Marshall Islands and former Foreign Minister, reminded the Court why the Marshall Islands, a small nation with limited resources that is seriously threatened by climate change, would bring these lawsuits against some of the world’s most militarily powerful nations. During the second day of the hearings, he recalled one occasion in 1954of the testing of a thermonuclear bomb that was one-thousand times the strength of the Hiroshima bomb. When the explosion occurred, it began to rain radioactive fallout at Rongelap. Within hours, the atoll was covered with a fine, white, powder-like substance.
“No one knew it was radioactive fallout,” said Mr de Brum.
“The children thought it was snow. And the children played in the snow.
And they ate it.”
on the deck of the Rainbow Warrior. The health of many adults and
children has suffered as a result of fallout from US nuclear tests.
Rainbow Warrior crew took adults, children and 100 tonnes of belongings
onboard and ferried them to the island of Mejato (1985)
The other six nuclear-armed nations - United States,
Russia, France, China, Israel and North Korea - do not accept the
compulsory jurisdiction of the ICJ and therefore, would not appear
before the Court.
The Marshall Islands contends that the UK, India and
Pakistan are in breach of existing international law, which requires
good faith negotiations for an end to the nuclear arms race and nuclear
disarmament. All three countries are actively involved in nuclear arms
with their belongings approach the Rainbow Warrior. Nuclear fallout
made islanders living on Rongelap making it a hazardous place for this
community to continue living in.
The Court is expected to deliver its decision in
approximately six months from now. Greenpeace will continue to stand
with the people of the Marshal Islands in their fight to rid the world
of nuclear weapons.
To read more about the hearings just concluded at the ICJ, our
friends at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation have been writing daily
summaries, which you can find here. You can also access to all relevant court documents at the ICJ website for the cases against the UK, India and Pakistan.Take action today to let the leaders of the Marshall Islands know that you support their courageous legal action. Sign the petition at
Jen Maman is the Senior Peace Advisor at Greenpeace International
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