One morning in early 2009, Pak Manan a resident of Sungai
Tohor, a coastal village on one of Indonesia’s islands in Riau, Sumatra,
took his regular walk to community land about four kilometres away from
the village. When he arrived he was in for a shock. The fertile
landscape was ravaged: trees uprooted, gaping holes gouged in the earth,
trenches and access roads carved through the peat. This was no act of
mindless vandalism – the excavators and the scale of the clearance made
it plain that this was a vast industrial operation.
For the Sungai Tohor community, whose economy relied
on this peatland for sago cultivation, this was their land and
livelihood that was destroyed. But as they learned, the land had been
granted to a pulpwood supplier of a major Indonesian paper producer.
They felt powerless. Not only did the community have no say over the
allocation, they weren’t even told, despite its impact on their own
lands. Not even the Head of Sungai Tohor village had been informed. In
fact, as the villagers discovered, more than 10,000 hectares of their
island was now in the hands of the company.
Fast-forward five years to 2014 and the drained
peatland was now dry and volatile. In February the fires started. The
thick haze choked the community. Residents tried to fight the peatland
fires so they wouldn’t spread, but some 5,000 hectares of land were
burnt, including community sago plantations.
Nothing Unique
Sadly, the experience of Pak Mahan and the Sungai
Tohor community is not unique. Reckless forest clearance for palm oil
and pulpwood plantations has made a tinderbox out of peatlands and is a
major cause of Indonesia’s forest fires. Community lands are largely
unmapped and all too often community land rights fail to be respected.
Pak Manan was not going to let his community be
destroyed. He started an online petition calling on Indonesian President
Jokowi to witness for himself the terrible impact of fires on the
community. In November 2014, the president visited the area and personally helped
to dam a peatland drainage canal near Sungai Tohor. He then called for
the concession licence to be revoked and all such licences on peatland
to be reviewed.
That success is down to Pak Manan. A testament to how a local act of heroism can deliver a big impact.
The good news for Sungai Tohor is that there haven't
been significant fires since. Sadly however, despite the President’s
visit, the community’s underlying problems of uncertain land tenure
& lack of information persist.
Nothing to Hide
Lack of transparency about who controls Indonesia’s forests makes it hard to hold to account those responsible for destruction and fires. Harder still for communities to protect their traditional lands.
But a new mapping tool
from Greenpeace aims to help ordinary people change this and support
President Jokowi’s bold plans to protect and restore damaged peatlands
so Indonesia can be free of the terrible fires and smoke haze that
regularly blight the region.
Greenpeace’s “Kepo Hutan”
(Curious About Forests) interactive map allows the public to see the
most detailed-ever company concession information and how it relates to
peatlands, fire hotspots and ‘near-real-time’ deforestation alerts. The
map will shed much-needed light on the murky business of forest
management in Indonesia.
The 2015 forest fires were Indonesia’s in over a
decade. The crisis cost the country an estimated US$16 billion and toxic
haze from the fires impacted millions of people including in
neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore. Over 500,000 people in Indonesia are reported to have suffered from acute respiratory illnesses as a result of the haze.
Transparency is a prerequisite for accountable
government. Communities have the right to know where rights over forests
have been handed out, and to whom. More fundamentally, they have the
right to be consulted, before giving or withholding their consent. This
map platform will go some way towards redressing this shortfall in
transparency. We hope it will also bring other benefits, through
facilitating public monitoring to ensure compliance with land management
Most importantly, it will help communities like
Sungai Tohor that rely on the health of their forest for their
livelihoods and culture.
Teguh Surya is the Forest Campaigner at Greenpeace Indonesia.
Want companies to stop the destruction of forests and peatland for palm oil? Take action here.
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