Today at the UN Headquarters in New York, a global treaty banning nuclear weapons has been adopted.
This is an historic moment: according to the treaty, to
possess and develop nuclear weapons is now illegal under international
The treaty will be open for signature by states on September 20th.
Over the last three weeks, 140 countries have engaged in
final negotiations of the new treaty. The nine states with nuclear
weapons (US, Russia, China, France, UK, India, Pakistan, Israel and
North Korea) have been boycotting the meeting in an attempt to rob the
process of its legitimacy. NATO members have also stayed outside of the
negotiations, and on the wrong side of history. Their absence is sadly
significant; unless a country ratifies the treaty, it is not bound by
And yet, despite the efforts by nuclear armed states and
those supporting them to derail negotiations, a significant milestone
has been reached: the vast majority of UN member states have now
declared that weapons intended to inflict catastrophic humanitarian harm
are prohibited under international law. Up until today, nuclear weapons
were the only weapons of mass destruction not yet prohibited in a
comprehensive and universal manner. Biological weapons, chemical
weapons, landmines and cluster munitions have all been previously banned
and today, nuclear weapons joins this list of shame.
The new treaty will make it harder for their proponents to
describe nuclear weapons as a legitimate and useful means to provide
security. It creates a global norm against nuclear weapons. This new
norm will not only put pressure on nuclear-armed and non-nuclear weapon
states to reject nuclear weapons permanently, it could also set the
stage for future progress towards the elimination of weapons of mass
destruction in nuclear armed states, should their domestic political
situation change (read more about this here).
The text of the new treaty
is blatantly clear: it prohibits states from developing, testing,
producing, manufacturing, or acquiring nuclear weapons; It prohibits
states from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons. It prohibits
states from allowing any stationing, installation or deployment of any
nuclear weapons in their territory. Read the full text here.
Greenpeace salute our civil society allies,
led by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) who
have been relentless campaigning to make this treaty - which was
thought of as wild fantasy when it was first proposed - into a legal
reality. We join their call for all governments to ratify the new treaty
and join hands in ridding the world of this evil, and now illegal,
human invention.
When future generation look back on today’s decision, they
will hopefully remember it as the moment when, finally, nuclear weapons
were considered as a threat to security, not an avenue to it. From today
onwards, the struggle will continue for the treaty to be ratified by
all the world’s governments and for the thousands of nuclear weapons
still in existence around the world, to be eliminated. It will be a long
road but with a strong nuclear ban treaty in place confirming that
nuclear weapons are illegal, today is a good day for peace.
Jen Maman is the Senior Peace Adviser at Greenpeace International
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