This month the fate of a Russian jewel will be decided in a
small town in Western Siberia. The town is Beloyarsky and the jewel is
the Numto nature preserve. The oil company Surgutneftegas already
extracts oil from the park but now they want access to one of its most
vulnerable areas: the wetlands, where industrial development is
currently prohibited.
Founded in 1997 to help protect the fragile Siberian Uvaly
ecosystem, Numto park also has significance for Indigenous peoples of
northern Russia. It is here, on the border of Yamal and Khanty-Mansy
region, where two ancient Taiga cultures come together:
For generations, the Nenets and the Khanty people have bred
reindeer, fished, picked berries and gathered. They travel hundreds of
kilometers to come together and conduct sacred rituals at lake Numto.
‘Num’ holds a special place in Indigenous mythology and is often equated
with the sky itself. Lake Numto means heavenly lake.
The heavenly lake of Numto is threatened by an oil company
Surgutneftegas; oil operations would wreck local communities and spell
disaster for its wildlife and ecosystems. The Russian scientific community has recommended that the Numto wetlands be listed by Ramsar
as an internationally important waterfowl habitat. Among the rare and
endangered birds who live here or pass through on their annual migration
is the striking Siberian white crane or snow crane.
We witnessed the impact of oil drilling in Numto when we
visited as part of a Greenpeace Russia documentary team. As we toured
the camping grounds of Indigenous peoples and met residents of village
Numto on the lake shore, park ranger Natalia Vello tried to explain the
pain felt by local people:
“I once met a young boy. When he saw the oil facilities
being built near his home, he said, ‘They’ve come to kill us’. I began
to ask myself, why does he say that? Because it’s hard for him to bear. I
was shocked myself when I saw the dear, sacred sites, where we used to
pitch our tents to visit our ancestors, being destroyed.”
In an attempt to preserve her homeland, Natalia has written
a memo to the employees of Surgutneftegas who work in the Numto nature
park. The memo contains information about the unique characteristics of
this land and its inhabitants and lays out the rules and codes of
conduct that employees of the oil companies on the park territory should
abide by. Natalia regularly visits the drilling facilities to get her
message across: “I explain everything carefully and give them time [to
fix things].”
Vasily Pyak, a reindeer herder from Numto, worries that it may become impossible to continue his way of life:
“We live in uncertainty. We don’t know what is going to happen
tomorrow. They told me they wouldn’t build here, and then I had a look
at the map and it was clear that there would be a concrete road a
kilometer away from my camp. If they lay a road here, where can I graze
my reindeer? They’ll wander along the road, cars will run into them.
Build a fence? You cannot fence in a reindeer! It is a semi-wild animal,
to put it into a corral is like a prison. And why has it come to
building fences anyway?”
Numto’s Indigenous people say that the arrival of the oil
operations is basically a land grab: oil rigs now surround their native
lands and reach right up to the edge of their holy lake.
The Khanty and Nenets cannot imagine life without their
native land: the forests and wetlands are their home where countless
generations have lived in harmony with nature.
Russians across the country have joined a call to protect
Numto from oil company advances. In just five days, more than 27,000
letters have been sent to regional officials and the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Environment explaining why they must reject the new Numto
zoning proposal that would expose its treasured wetlands to oil
A petition organised by Greenpeace Russia will be presented at the
public hearing in Beloyarsky on February 25th. The numbers standing in
solidarity with the Khanty and Nenet people to protect Numto continue to
grow.Please share this story. We hope that our combined voices will be heard.
Elena Sakirko is a campaigner with Greenpeace Russia. Konstantin Fomin is a press officer with Greenpeace Russia.
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