Rex Weyler
international colleagues, concluded that “extinction caused by
overfishing precedes all other pervasive human disturbance to coastal
ecosystems, including pollution … and climate change.”
Five years later, in 2006, research
by Boris Worm from Dalhousie University in Canada, and others,
documented an “accelerating loss” of biodiversity in marine ecosystems
as “recovery potential, stability, and water quality decreased
In 2016, an international team led by David Grémillet at the Centre
d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive in Montpellier, France, published a
paper in Marine Biology,
presenting evidence that over-fishing was “starving seabirds” along the
southwest coast of Africa. They studied Cape gannets, large diving
seabirds that compete with purse-seiners for small pelagic fish. They
found that 80–95 % of the birds’ feeding dives were unsuccessful, and
that both adult health and chick growth rates had declined
Concerned by these results, the Grémillet team reviewed forty years
of global seabird monitoring and catch statistics for all fisheries
targeting seabird prey. Their study, published in Current Biology
last year, found that the global catch of seabird prey fish had
increased by 10% during that period, while global seabird food
consumption had decreased by 19%. They concluded that global fishing
“constrains a vanishing seabird community.”
Seabird Decline
Seabirds are among the most devastated and threatened species of wild
animals in the world. Furthermore, since seabirds perform critical
food-web functions, their decline contributes to the destabilization of
marine ecosystems worldwide.
According to a 2015 bird population trend study
by Michelle Paleczny and colleagues at the University of British
Columbia, in Canada, seabirds suffered a “70% community-level population
decline between 1950 and 2010.” The largest declines appear among
species that feed on deep-sea fish, severely reduced by industrial
fishing fleets.
The famous and beloved albatross, closely related to the gannet and
booby, provides a good example. Albatross have the longest wingspan on
Earth, up to four metres. They live for decades, and one female Laysan
albatross, banded in 1954, is still alive. Albatross rely on remote
island breeding grounds and dive for squid, fish, and krill. These
magnificent birds, however, have suffered substantial declines.
A 2017 study
by Deborah Pardo and colleagues with the British Antarctic Survey
Ecosystems Programme found that three major groups — the Wandering,
Black-browed, and Grey-headed albatrosses — had declined by 40–60% in 35
years. Of the 22 known species, all appear on the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, 17 “Threatened with
In the 19th century, albatross colonies were harvested for the
fashion industry feather trade, leading to the near-extinction of some
species. In 1909, over 300,000 albatrosses were killed on Midway and
Laysan Islands alone. Thousands of albatross are killed colliding with
tall military air traffic towers on Midway. Invasive species carried on
ships — rats, mice, and cats — attack breeding colonies, taking chicks
and eggs. Albatross chicks require five to nine months to fledge, and
remain extremely vulnerable during that time.
Meanwhile, plastic flotsam kills over a million seabirds per year.
Global heating, ocean acidification, oil spills, and toxic chemical
pollution also contribute to seabird decline.
Albatross are particularly vulnerable to longline hooks and and
trawling nets. Thousands of birds get snared in “ghost nets,” virtually
invisible nylon netting lost from ships, drifting throughout the oceans.
We now know from the Grémillet, Paleczny and other studies, that
seabirds are disappearing due to a lack of food, as industrial-scale
fishing fleets over-harvest prey fish species.
The 2018 Grémillet research found that the prey species had been
significantly depleted in 48% of all seabird marine habitats,
particularly in the Southern Ocean, Asian shelves, Mediterranean Sea,
Norwegian Sea, and along the Californian coast.
“Seabirds are particularly good indicators of the health of marine
ecosystems,” says Michelle Paleczny in her seabird population study.
“When we see this magnitude of seabird decline, we can see there is
something wrong with marine ecosystems.” Furthermore, the loss of
seabirds becomes a system feedback that “causes a variety of impacts in
coastal and marine ecosystems.” Seabirds, for example, transport
nutrients in their waste from the deep sea, back to the coastal
ecosystems in which they breed, helping to fertilize entire food webs.
State of the Oceans
Over-fishing is only one of many human impacts on the oceans, along
with plastic, oil, and chemical pollution. Perhaps the most pervasive
human impact comes from our carbon dioxide emissions.
Since the 1970s, the world’s oceans have absorbed over 30% of the
carbon dioxide from the burning of oil, coal, and gas. When water (H2O) reacts chemically with carbon dioxide (CO2),
the process leaves an abundance of positive hydrogen ions (H+), the
criterion of acidity, measured on the pH scale. Since the beginning of
the industrial revolution in the 18th century, the average ocean pH has
dropped from approximately 8.25 to less than 8.1, representing a 30%
increase in acidity. The pH acid/base scale, like the Richter scale for
measuring earthquakes, is logarithmic, so drop of only 0.1 pH units
represents a 25% increase in acidity. If human society continues to burn
petroleum as a primary energy source, the world’s seawater pH could
drop to 7.7 by 2100, creating an ocean more acidic than any seen since
the Miocene heating, around 14 million years ago, long before hominids
emerged in Africa, and when global temperatures had reached about 3°C
warmer than today.
Acidification has already limited coral growth, and contributes to
the decline of coral beds, which serve as nurseries for thousands of
marine species, and which effects the entire ocean food web. Increased
acidity corrodes coral skeletons, slows growth, and can prevent coral
larvae from maturing into adulthood.
Acidic water inhibits shell formation among clams, oysters, mussels,
urchins and starfish, contributing to the decline of some species. The
shells of tiny forminifera zooplankton
begin to dissolve in the more acid sea water. A study
by Sven Uthicke and others at the Australian Institute of Marine
Science has predicted that tropical foraminifera — and entire class of
amoeboid protists critical to the marine food web — will be extinct by
the end of the century. Researchers have observed that the shells of
pteropods, free-swimming sea snails, are already dissolving in the more
acidic water of the Southern Oceans.
Ocean acidification also changes the pH of some fishes’ blood, a
chemical reaction called acidosis. A small pH change can make a large
difference in health and survival. In humans, a blood pH drop of 0.2 can
cause seizures and even death.
Ocean dead zones, along populated coast lines, are primarily caused
by fertilizer runoff and fossil-fuel use. Algal blooms, augmented by the
nutrient increase, create hypoxic, oxygen-depleted waters that kill
other marine life. According to the 2017 “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity,” these coastal dead zones have increased by 75% since the 1960s, with more than 600 coastal ecosystems affected.
That report also warns of unsustainable marine fisheries that have
exceeded the maximum sustainable yield, are in steady decline, and “on
the verge of collapse.” Global marine fisheries catches peaked in 1996
and have been declining ever since despite expanded industrial fishing
fleets with improved technologies. As a result, fishing fleets have
turned to previously non-commercial species, which include the smaller
prey of seabirds.
Jellyfish, which have more resistance to pH changes are already
beginning to dominate some marine ecosystems, disrupting the food web by
competing with fish for declining zooplankton, thereby effecting the
prey of seabirds.
As we should know well enough by now: when human activity touches
anything within a complex ecosystem, those actions necessarily affect
the entire web of life that binds that ecosystem together.
Positive efforts
The picture emerging from these studies has inspired interest in
marine reserves and protected areas. For seabird populations to recover,
this political work needs to expand.
In 2017, Chile stopped the massive Dominga open-pit copper and iron
mining project near Coquimbo, to safeguard the Humboldt Penguin Marine
Reserve, located off the coast. The reserve supports the rare Humboldt
penguin, blue whales, humpback and sperm whales, bottlenose dolphins,
sea turtles, sea lions, albatross, and many species of fish.
In 2011, Belize permanently banned trawling in all its waters, the
third nation to do so, partially to protect the Belize Barrier Reef
System. Venezuela and Palau have also banned trawling completely. Large
areas in the US, Indonesia, Philippines and other Pacific islands are
closed to trawling. Under president Obama, the US banned bottom trawling
in a 23,000 square mile area off the Southeast Atlantic coast and
reinstated a ban on offshore drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and
the Atlantic coast. Morocco and Turkey recently banned illegal drift-net
In 2004, 13 countries ratified the Agreement on the Conservation of
Albatrosses and Petrels, to reduce bycatch and remove invasive species
from nesting islands.
However, 2016 paper by Avigdor Abelson in BioScience,
concludes that “current practices are insufficient to reverse ecosystem
declines.” The Ableson study shows that restoration ecology must become
an integral part of marine conservation efforts. The Worm research
showed that active restoration of marine biodiversity could increase
ocean productivity fourfold. There remains an urgent need for increased
international seabird and marine conservation effort internationally.
Resources and Links:
“Persisting Worldwide Seabird-Fishery Competition Despite Seabird Community Decline,” David Grémillet et al., Current Biology, v. 28, # 24, Dec. 17, 2018
“Historical overfishing and the recent collapse of coastal ecosystems,” Jackson, J.B., et al., Science 293, 629–637, pdf, 2001.
“Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services,” Worm, B., et al. Science 314, 787–790. pdf , 2006.
“Starving seabirds: unprofitable foraging and its fitness
consequences in Cape gannets competing with fisheries in the Benguela
upwelling ecosystem,” David Grémillet, et al.; Marine Biology, 2016.
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